Announcement of the Resolution of the Fifth Meeting of the ninth Board of Directors of Anhui Tongfeng Electronics Co., LTD

Release time:2021-10-22Reading times:17009

Securities code: 600237 Securities for short: Tongfeng Electronic Announcement Number: Pro 2021-018

Anhui Tongfeng Electronics Co., LTD
Announcement of the resolution of the fifth Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors

The board of directors and all the directors of the Company warrant that there is no false record, misleading statement or material omission in the content of this announcement, and bear individual and joint liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content.
I. The holding of Board of Directors meetings
1. The meeting of the Board of Directors is held in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association.
2. Notice and documents of the Board meeting shall be issued to all directors of the Company in writing and by fax on June 24, 2021.
3. This meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on June 29, 2021 by communication vote.
4. At this board meeting, 7 directors shall participate in voting, and 7 directors actually participate in voting.
Ii. Review of the Board meeting
1. To examine and pass motions on investment construction projects item by item.
It is agreed that the Company will invest in the construction of "Ultra-thin Film Material Project for New Energy", "Capacitor Project for New Energy Vehicles" and "Capacitor Project for DC Power Grid Transmission". The total investment of the above three projects is expected to be 469,633,500 yuan, which will be invested gradually in stages as planned. According to the articles of association of the company, the total investment of the above project is beyond the authority of the board of directors for approval. The proposal will be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation. The motion details see the company "on investment construction project announcement".
There were 7 votes in favor of this motion, 0 against it, and 0 abstentions.
2. To review and adopt proposals on changes in accounting policies;
The independent directors of the company all agree with the proposal. The independent directors believe that this change of accounting policy conforms to relevant regulations and the actual situation of the company, and does not harm the legitimate rights and interests of the company and shareholders, especially minority shareholders. The approval procedure of this change of accounting policy is in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Articles of Association.
For details of the proposal, please refer to the Company's Announcement on the Change of Accounting Policies.
There were 7 votes in favor of this motion, 0 against, and 0 abstentions.
3. To deliberate and adopt a motion on the convening of the first extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders in 2021.
Agreed to hold the first interim shareholders' meeting of 2021 on July 15, 2021, to consider the proposal on the investment and construction project. For details of the proposal, please refer to the Company's Announcement on the Convening of the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021.
There were 7 votes in favor of this bill, 0 against it, and 0 abstentions.
This is to announce.

Board of directors of Anhui Tongfeng Electronics Co., LTD
June 30, 2021